Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Ordinary Days

There's not been much posting going on here lately (you may or may not have noticed!) and that's mainly because I haven't done, thought, seen or read anything that I thought you might find remotely interesting! That's not to say that I'm not enjoying life (or, in the positive: that is to say I am enjoying life!) but it's not really the bloggable stuff. I've generally carried on with being a mum, a minister and a bit of a nutcase; I've put the washing machine on, prepared the sermons, enjoyed all the kids in the school assemblies, played cricket and football in the garden, ignored the ironing, defended my housekeeping to my mum (it doesn't matter how old you are does it, or how responsible your job - mums always want to know when you last cleaned the loo!); I've drunk cups of tea - on my own, in front of the computer and with people who I'm here to care about, done the myriad other things it's my privilege to do for, with and outside the church, watched a bit more 'Due South' (see previous post), fed the cat, been a friend and enjoyed my friends (though not enough it seems sometimes), read some blogs... I won't go on - but you get my drift!
But that's the thing don't you find - life isn't always full of recordable and momentous events that anyone else might be interested in - but about getting on with being who we were made to be, sharing the mundane and the special times with those with whom we have the privilege to share our lives, and appreciating it all: the racket of the birds in the garden yesterday, running through the hail with TeenSon to get into the shops, lunch out together and 'Hangman' on the (paper!) serviette 'til the food arrived. And today it's back to work, with many blessings to count... and still a huge pile of ironing!

Oh, and one other thing (well two actually...): I've decided to go and buy myself a deep fat fryer today so I can make 'proper' chips again - have been reading the 'Egg, Bacon, Chips and Beans' blog again, that's what's done it! And I really must get to Camden market soon to try and find that pair of green tarten DM boots!
That's all!

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Inspirational Fiction

I've spoken before about things (and people) that inspire me, and I once came to the conclusion that they don't have to be real, or factual, to inspire. Often fiction inspires too - inspires us to fulfill our potential, inspires us to rebel against the self-centredness of the modern world, inspires us to attempt to change the world one person and one moment at a time. Yes, fiction can sometimes be far-fetched, but sometimes we need the dreams of fiction to expand and inspire our vision.
So which fictional creation inspires me to look for, and strive towards, something a little different...? 'Due South'! I love this 'Canadian Mountie meets Chicago cop' series - not only is it well written, highly entertaining and has an excellent sound track, but Mountie Benton Fraser (fictional creation though he may be) in my view, lives something of the sort of life and reflects the kind of values that Jesus intended for those who follow him! That is, service, compassion, sacrifice, love, going the extra mile. I don't come anywhere near - but I certainly want to keep trying.
I have been watching the first series again on DVD and have loved seeing someone do everything that's unexpected in today's cynical and often uncaring society. Fraser, when he moves to Chicago from Canada, lives in an undesirable neighbourhood but looks beyond the ugliness and instead values the people among whom he lives. There are some classic moments in the Pilot episode... On arrivial in Chicago (moments here have a similar feel to Crocodile Dundee arriving in America!) he is approached by a man at the airport asking for money for his sick daughter. Having got the man's assurance of his intention to pay Fraser back in a week, he takes from under his wonderful Mountie hat, a $100 bill. "Ha you sucker" we think to ourselves as the shocked bloke goes off with the money - that's the last you've seen of that. But right at the end of the episode we see the same man return to the Canadian Consulate (where Fraser works) to pay back the money. We're all aware of how many dodgy and unscrupulous characters there are out in the 'big bad world', but there are also some very needy ones too - and I for one would like to choose sometimes being a fool over never making an effort to help. Isn't that what Jesus had in mind when he said, "...'I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you gave me clothing, I was sick and you took care of me, I was in prison and you visited me.' Then the righteous will answer him, 'Lord when was it that we saw you hungry and gave you food, or thirsty and gave you something to drink? And when was it that we saw you a stranger and welcomed you, or naked and gave you clothing? And when was it that we saw you sick or in prison and visited you?' And the king will answer them, 'Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these... you did it to me.'"
Due South might be thoroughly fictional and idealistic, but it seems to reflect these sentiments pretty closely to me, and I see something appealing that I'd like to apply in some small measure to my own life. My rebellious nature now loves to stick two fingers up at what we've come to expect of the world and of each other, and to try and make just a little difference!
Due South helps me to do that increasingly stated concept of 'thinking outside the box'! Love it!

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

One Day at a Time...

What a treat Monday was... time out to read and pray and reflect, in lovely surroundings, with a good friend.
This was the lovely little Summerhouse we booked for the day at Mulberry House.

And the view out to the gardens from the chair I spent a lot of the day reading in!

Some of the other inhabitants.

This bridge went from the main garden over to a little island to which only wing-ed creatures were invited. Though as we stood on the bridge we saw a nest in which was a lone baby surrounded by unhatched eggs. Unfortunately my photos of the nest were too blurred to post.

The face of friendship!
Just after we arrived, we tried to take a timed piccie - unfortunately the grass was a bit wet and you know you only get those 5 seconds...! It was a classic example of 'go sprawling on the ground and... click - there's the picture'! Well, I have to say though it is very therapeutic to start the day with a right good laugh (even if it comes with a sore ankle and lack of dignity)!

Well, that was Monday. Tuesday I spent feeling awful with a rotten head - what a difference a day can make! I suppose that's what happens sometimes when you actually slow down. Glad to be improving today anyway!

Add-on: By the way, the staff at Mulberry House are really nice and helpful. They brought us a tray of tea, coffee and biscuits in the morning and afternoon, and the lunch was lovely - they don't let you go hungry!

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Want to Buy a Hole?

Thanks to Diamond Geezer for drawing my attention to this, this morning! A Norfolk church is selling the hole in its roof on Ebay (this link will expire after the hole is sold).
What I love is their sales pitch, it's just classic! And how lovely to end with, "Thank you for your interest and we hope we've made you smile!" I hope they get what they need, but they've done a good thing putting smiles on people's faces (it worked on me!). Read the blurb here:

"This unique opportunity to own a hole comes about due to our desire to remove the hole from its current location in our church ceiling and replace it with plaster.
The hole could be useful for escaping through, squeezing into, as a quiet bolt-hole or for singing about if placed in a bucket.
The hole will be accompanied by a framed photo of it in its current location.
All Saints is a small rural church in Old Buckenham, South Norfolk. This year we need to spend £25,000 on the internal restoration of the building, including the need to mend the nave ceiling where there is evidence that some of the original handmade nails have failed and areas of ceiling are now adrift from the beams above. For more details of this and the other work needed, to see how we are doing, or assist with the appeal visit www.plugthehole.com
Thanks for your interest and we hope we've made you smile!"

Anyway, just think how useful that hole would be...

Wednesday, May 10, 2006


Well, a blank screen sits before me! Listening to a rather random and mixed playlist tonight... The Streets - Fit (but you know it) has just finished and now I'm merrily singing along to that 80's classic by Flock of Seagulls - Wishing (If I had a Photograph of You)... (come on, some of you must remember it!). Yes, it does look like there'll be a running musical commentary through this post. Soft Cell - Tainted Love. Weezer - Beverly Hills. Well, as you can see the music is running faster than my creative thought processes.
Got a delightful sea of bluebells in my garden (which is significantly less wilderness-like after G spent Sunday afternoon taming it)... so here they are...
Franz Ferdinand - Take Me Out. (Yes, a few overlaps with the other playlist). The Commodores - Easy (ah, what a mellow classic!).
Perhaps I can post something of my day... rewarding but pretty typical - a Primary (whole school) assembly followed by an Infants' one (in a different school), assorted admin and preparation, Marriage Preparation with a very nice couple; and tomorrow is my day off (Hurrah!). This Time - Starsailor. Nothing weird and wacky to report, just an ordinary day of trying to serve God and the community.
Funnily enough though (no idea why), something reminded me today of a comment made a while ago by someone (now married) who was once in the youth group I led. Billy Ocean - Love Really Hurts Without You. So, here it is... "It's hard to maintain an air of mystery when one has an irritable bowel!" It makes me laugh just typing it. The context of that was newly married woman, who hadn't lost her ability to cut straight to the heart of being human, making a reference to her friend about anti-social air dispersal in bed, ha ha! Blink 182 - I Miss You. Daniel Powter - Bad Day. Rihanna - SOS. ELO - Livin' Thing (yes indeed). The Human League - Don't You Want Me. Did I, or did I not, warn you of the random selection of music - as well as the general nature of the post, hinted at in the title 'Randomness'!

Monday, May 08, 2006

Glory, Glory, Tottenham Hotspur!

I feel the need to redress the balance today for the number of gloating A*****l (they are not mentioned here!) posts I have seen around the blogosphere. 'Twas a disappointing day yesterday... but roll on UEFA Cup! If you want to know my sentiments towards A*****l then have a look at the comments for yesterday's post on Not in the Current Climate - though Spurs fans might want to wear shades and put on a contemptuous look before reading. And Diamond Geezer has far too much to say about them as well today!

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Proud Owner Of...

I am now the proud owner of a 'London Underground Magnetic Photo Frame Ticket Booth' - thanks Annie Mole for deeming my caption worthy of a prize! And it arrived on my birthday - how about that then!

It's a good job though, that prizes are not being awarded for photography skills as my pictures of said Fridge Magnet/Photo Frame and its accompanying packaging are pretty pants! Well, actually I would like to pass at least 97.99% of the blame for that onto my digital camera (which is admittedly a cheapy Tesco job!). It's quite good at taking outdoor and people piccies - but try and get anything with close up detail and... well... expect a blurr!

It's no good - I do not deem my photos worthy of viewing, so until I can do a better job I'll 'borrow' Annie Mole's picture of my Magnet/Photo Frame... I hope she won't mind?!

(captions on London Underground Blog Diary, April 20th and May 2nd)

Friday, May 05, 2006

Reflective Moments

Well, it's my birthday again today! I still enjoy my birthday - even though the numbers are rolling in thick and fast!! I find it's a day when I stop and think a little on what I've done with the years that have already passed, and what I'll do with the ones to come. And that thinking on the years relates to many things, not just activity, but on whether I've made a little difference to other lives, whether I've taken time to be still and enjoy the beauty of the world around me, whether I've had time to be with the people I most love. I stop and wonder about my comparitively new role as a Church of England curate (assistant vicar) having had only one birthday as a deacon and now this one, the first as a priest.
My 36 years (well what's the harm in actually saying it!) have been rich and varied, and despite the rather impressive messes and mistakes that are part of my picture, there has always been a desire to make a little difference! I don't know how many birthdays there are to come, but I'll go on trusting that God is leading me along this well worn path, and I'll go on living in the hope that one day I hear those words, "Well done, good and faithful servant."
I'm still feeling my way into ordained ministry and what I have to offer to, and receive from, God's church and beyond - still finding my voice - but I appreciate stumbling across gems such as this that inspire and help me on my way. (Thanks to Dave for the link that led me to Rev Sam's notes).
And in the mean time - back to the business at hand... cards, pressies, cake (gluten free of course!!), friends, fun... oh yes, and a sermon to write for Sunday!

An aside (well isn't there always!): It is Michael Palin's birthday today too. Happy Birthday Michael!

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Name That Band

I was just pondering (for some strange reason that I can't recall!) The Town and Country Club Kentish Town, Then Jerico and the way Then Jerico came up with their name! I have no idea which thought came first and led to the others! Anyway, I saw Then Jerico in concert at the Town and Country Club (I hate that it's called The Forum now!) in December 1987... (I've just spent 20 minutes or so wandering round the house trying to find my camera so I could blog the pictures of my delightful TJ vinyl albums, but it is nowhere to be seen... when it shows I'll add them). So, apparently (disclaimer: this could be wildly mis-remembered, but I'm sure I heard it somewhere!) Then Jerico got their name by opening the dictionary* and pointing at random words... resulting in...well, Then Jerico.
And so, I thought, it might be slightly amusing to come up with other rock band names in the same way!
Here are the rules: close eyes, open dictionary (having it nearby before you close your eyes would probably be a good idea), jab finger at page, read word, open new page, re-jab, reveal the name of your band in comments. [No cheating!!]

I will start... The name of my band is: Stage Projection, hmmm quite fitting I suppose but not very rock-ish!

Aside: Does anyone else have fond memories of the Town and Country? I saw a whole bunch of obscure bands there in the late 80's!

*or maybe it was a Bible... seeing as how Jerico/Jericho isn't in the dictionary! So, my Bible rock band name is... Tabeel King... hmmm, better not give up the day job.

A Brief Moment in Time

Well, there was all the excitement about 01:02:03 04/05/06 which was only a little while ago - and instead of marking the occassion by blogging at that very moment what was I doing...? Drifting randomly round blogs, chatting on Ship of Fools and stuffing my face with mint Aero and a nice cup of tea, that's what!! Oh well, never mind - I'm sure it was a very special and moving moment!
Diamond Geezer and Dave both managed to blog the moment!

Monday, May 01, 2006

Top Twelve Tracks

In case you are remotely interested these are the tracks on my current Napster* playlist. Obviously I think they are an excellent selection and well worth listening to, and I'd advise you to sign up to a legal music site immediately so you also can delight in them:

1. Galvanize - The Chemical Brothers
2. Double Dutch - Malcolm McLaren
3. I Like the Way - Bodyrockers
4. Don't Look Back in Anger - Oasis
5. Rain - The Cult
6. Lose Yourself - Eminem
7. I Miss You - Blink-182
8. This Time - Starsailor
9. The Drugs Don't Work - The Verve
10. The First Cut is the Deepest - Rod Stewart [yes indeed... this is an excellent song!]
11. Bad Day - Daniel Powter
12. She Will be Loved - Maroon 5

*No, I don't keep plugging Napster because I work for them or am on any kind of commission - they are just my music site of choice!

Hmmm, May resolutions [previous post]... must wear purple DM's today...

Add-on: Oops, missed one: Beverly Hills - Weezer... classic! That makes thirteen - oh well, 'Top Thirteen Tracks' doesn't flow off the tongue quite so well, but never mind!!

Another add-on: They are not in order of preference but just order of play... if they were in order of preference then no. 1 (today) would be... I Miss You - Blink 182! Anyway, these are just a small bunch of songs I like a lot - I am absolutely useless at trying to decide on an 'all time top 10/12/20/50,' partly because it changes pretty frequently and also because it depends on what 'music mood' I'm in! I'd never manage 'Desert Island Discs' - so better not get famous then - at least there's not much danger of that!!

Oh dear - I really must stop adding bits to this post... but how could I have missed Franz Ferdinand's - Take Me Out... it's got the best bit of guitar! Adding it to that playlist... and this is now officially THE-END-OF-THE-POST.