Monday, September 03, 2007


There are lots of things I should be doing...

I am not doing any of them...

I am just sitting here faffing around on the internet...

Dave's excellent cartoon couldn't be more accurate...

cartoon from

Cartoon by Dave Walker.

And now I must walk away... This reminds me of the old kids TV programme 'Why Don't You...?' which used to urge us viewers to 'go and do something less boring instead.' Though unpacking more boxes is definitely not less boring than Dave's excellent cartoons.

Yes, I'm going...


At September 06, 2007 12:49 pm, Blogger Ivonne said...

I know I was just thinking how awful I have been with deserting my blog, but I have been packing and unpacking boxes. I really hate the actual moving bit of moving, being in the new flat I really love. I went from having one room plus bathroom to having a bedroom, kitching/living room, bathroom and study... Neil said you got the card... happy new home to you too :) I will update my blog soon... we are internetless until the end of the month... but at the moment I can still use the internet at my old room for about another week.


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