Monday, October 30, 2006

Gentle...Humbug...Familiar...Rice Pud*

I am wending my way into Monday as gently as I can - this being my first day in over a week of being properly up, dressed and about - after a delightful week's holiday... feeling terrible! (Bah humbug as they say!). The familiar and secure words of Morning Prayer were such a good way to begin a day such as today - and now I'm sitting here with a bowl of rice pudding (and big dollop of jam) trying to ensure I don't run out of steam before I even get going!

By the way, having been reflecting fairly deeply (for me) over the last few posts I thought it was about time for something inane... like rice pud. I might pop back and revisit the wandering bollards later too.

*Well how do you give a title to that!?


At October 30, 2006 7:50 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I had a weeks holiday a fortnight ago, now after a week back in the flow i need another week.
Rice and jam for brekkie! You poor thing.

At October 31, 2006 1:00 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hope you enjoyed your holiday though Jenny... even if it feels far off now!
I had had the more conventional tea and toast before Morning Prayer - but started feeling a bit wobbly so thought I'd add a bit of stodge. (I find rice pud a handy quick snack - being on the gluten-free diet can be a pain at times!! Of course a banana might have been the healthier option but I didn't have any!)


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